Court Reporters Newmarket Ontario: Court Reporters and Videographers for video broadcasting of deposition, discovery examinations or other legal matters.

Are you a lawyer from Ontario or elsewhere in Canada that is searching for “Court Reporters Newmarket Ontario”? JML Transcription provides professional court reporters for various services in Newmarket Ontario. Our court reporters provide services for discovery examinations in civil matters, interview recording services, mediation, arbitration and hearing recording services, video recording services and videoconferencing services in New Market, across Ontario and throughout Canada.

We understand that the nature of litigation in Canada is such that although you may need a New Market Ontario court reporter, that does not mean you reside or work in Newmarket or even in Ontario for that matter. You may be a lawyer in Toronto Ontario, who requires court reporting services in New Market Ontario.  Or you may be a lawyer in New Market Ontario who requires a court reporter in Ottawa or Halifax.  JML transcriptions has a large network of court reporters and we can provide court reporting and transcription services in virtually any combination of Canadian cities and towns.

Court Reporters Newmarket Ontario


Court Reporters Newmarket Ontario for discoveries and/or video broadcasting of discovery examinations and other legal hearings throughout Canada

We recognize that the nature of the work for civil litigants is such that although you may be searching for “Court Reporters Newmarket Ontario” you may not be located in Ontario. You may be an American lawyer that needs to interview a witness in Newmarket Ontario or elsewhere in Ontario or Canada. You may be an attorney in Cleveland for instance who requires a Newmarket, Ontario Court Reporter.  On the other hand, you may be a civil litigant in Newmarket Ontario who requires court reporting services in Sudbury or a Barrie Ontario court reporter.  We have a network of court reporters that can meet any of your court reporting needs.